It is a light hearted, fun series that is sure to take viewers away from whatever is going on in their own world for just a while. There are some issues with heavy telegraphing of punches and kicks that have been totally caught out on camera which takes a bit away from the show overall. Sydney Fox is meant to be a martial arts expert and Tia plays this well. Relic Hunter is an enjoyable series despite some pretty dubious scripting and choreography. She is also a professor and we do get to see her spend some time in that capacity. Think of it as Indiana Jones with a smaller budget and a female lead and you will be on the way to a good time.

For those who have not heard of the show, Carrere plays the role of a Tomb Raideresque character by the name of Dr Sydney Fox finding treasure throughout the world, and of course kicking butt along the way. Tia Carrere stars in Relic Hunter, seasons 1-3 from Via Vision Entertainment.